This POAP certifies that the individual has successfully participated and completed all the tasks in the Chainlink Bootcamp on April 2024, for 20 hours in 10 days and two weeks.
Esta POAP certifica que a pessoa participou e completou com sucesso todas as tarefas do Bootcamp Chainlink em abril de 2024, durante 20 horas ao longo de 10 dias e duas semanas.
Este POAP certifica que la persona ha participado y completado con éxito todas las tareas del Chainlink Bootcamp en abril de 2024, durante 20 horas en 10 días y dos semanas.
Bu POAP, bireyin 2024 Nisan'ında, 10 gün ve iki hafta boyunca 20 saat boyunca Chainlink Eğitim Kampı'ndaki tüm görevlere başarıyla katıldığını ve tamamladığını onaylar.
Participants learned:
Blockchain concepts and Wallets
Solidity Fundamentals
ERC20 Tokens and Chainlink Data Feeds
Cross Chain Tokens using Chainlink CCIP
Mentoring session with the Chainlink community
NFTs and Chainlink Automation
Chainlink CCIP in cross-chain dApps
Random Numbers using Chainlink VRF
Chainlink Functions to access off-chain data
About Chainlink
Chainlink is the industry-standard decentralized computing platform powering the verifiable web.
Learn more about Chainlink by visiting https://chain.link/ or reading the developer documentation at https://docs.chain.link/