Drop Id #2092View in Family


May 9, 2021
This is a story of hope and equality under the POAP law. As a European, too many times have we awoken to review the day’s happenings, only to realise we have yet again missed out on a POAP due to the US monopolising the entire POAP minting and distribution network. Sure, missing one POAP isn’t so bad, but that one POAP quickly become two, three… four. It’s as if they conspire, night after night, to release the most coveted badges while us Europeans are sleeping soundly. Well, no longer! Ironically employing the artistic skills of an American (credit @RPLgrime) we have minted the world’s first European POAP using revolutionary Proof of European Protocol (POEP) technology. On 9th May 2021 in the Rocket Pool discord server, many were celebrating Europe Day and proving they're awake and pro-European by adding an EU flag ‘Reaction’ to the POAP image between the hours of 07:00 GMT and 11:00 GMT. This is their reward.
