Drop Id #25539View in Family 🚀 ‹Launch Week›

Feb 4, 2022 - Feb 12, 2022
Virtual Event
Genoma is coming back from the future, and to celebrate his return we'll party for a whole week of surprises! Listen at the secret code in one of the live streamings, and you'll be eligible to claim the POAP! This epic moment will be carved in rock [block to be accurate 😜 ] and living it with us will bring you exclusive privileges 💎 and 🎁 perks! This is a ‹status› that lasts beyond the time and in which we (and the whole community) will recognise you for life. We believe that the art 👩‍🎨 belongs to lovers, 💖 not to speculators. 🤑 We've seen the ‹system› 👺 engulf the noblest 💎 and most rebellious 🏴‍☠️ underground forms of human 🔥 expression ; and then regurgitate 'em back to us without their innermost ✨ raison d'etre. But we're still 👊 here - to say that this time it will 💣 not happen, again. Genoma is a Blockchain Artist, a digital native time traveler who came from the outer future. He first arrived on our Space-Time Continuum in the early '90s; since then he's influencing the minds of the bravest Net Art pioneers with his visions of other worlds. Now that we're approaching the end of our consciences, he's transmuting his imaginary in NFTs, a final leap to merge all dimensions in one zero space-time‹less› Multimetaverse.
