Drop Id #8497View in Family

Goobie (Goobers Reveal Party)

Sep 25, 2021 - Sep 26, 2021
Virtual Event
POAP for Attendees of the 2021 Goobers Reveal Party The multi-trillion-dollar corporation ChemiCo, producer of high-end shampoos for the filthy rich, dreamed of making the perfect formula blend for their customers. After years of dead-end research and the continuous dump of biowaste into the nearby water supply, the discarded waste then began to mutate and form slime-like creatures called Goobers. These simple-minded beings' only goal was to find an item to serve as their brain by absorbing the first suitable object they came in contact with. With this new-found objective, the Goobers set out into the world to blend into society as best they can. After the Goobers escaped their ill-intentioned creators, ChemiCo realized their unintended creations were the very key to the component missing in their formula. Because, as it turned out, within each Goober was a fraction of the compound needed to create the ultimate product. Charged with this new information, ChemiCo dispatched their top recovery teams across the world to bring back every last Goober so they could finally attain their grand prize. Join us as we follow the crazy, epic stories and adventures of our Goobers as they attempt to camouflage themselves against ChemiCo.
