Drop Id #90470View in Family

The Rocket Pool Benefactor Distributes 1000 RPL Tokens to the Community

Dec 6, 2022
Virtual Event
On Dec 2nd, a new account joined the Rocket Pool Discord channel, 'rpl-benefactor'. The person offered three steps, 1) message the benefactor with information about what work you have done for Rocket Pool, 2) send your address, and 3) you would get RPL tokens depending on the work you did. Over the next five days, the benefactor distributed over 1000 RPL tokens to over 160 community members. This POAP commemorates the generosity of the Rocket Pool community. The benefactor's wallet was given 1000 RPL by superphiz who received the tokens from Patricio Worthalter. This POAP was created by Sleety and distributed by WaqWaqAttack.
