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Introducing POAPs to the Bayer Enterprise Architecture Team

Jan 20, 2023
Virtual Event
We asked OpenAI ChatGPT to generate the agenda for an introductory course of web3 for the enterprise architecture department of a pharmaceutical company. And that was the result: 1. Introduction to Web3 and the decentralized web 2. Understanding the basics of blockchain technology 3. Overview of popular blockchain platforms for enterprise use (such as Ethereum, Hyperledger, EOS) 4. Use cases for Web3 in the pharmaceutical industry (such as supply chain management, medical data management) 5. Hands-on exercises using a Web3 development platform (such as Truffle, Embark, or DappHub) 6. Discussion of current challenges and limitations of Web3 technology in enterprise environments 7. Future outlook for Web3 and its potential impact on the pharmaceutical industry 8. Conclusion and next steps for implementing Web3 in the company's architecture Apart from briefly discussing about which topics from above we should touch in our next meeting, we will onboard colleagues today on POAPs and use cases. Art by OpenAI Dall-E 2. Terms and conditions of Bayer POAPs:
